De leestips van Boekgrrl Femia:

"The Dirty Truth, The Oil and Chemical Dependency of George W. Bush"
De titel spreekt voor zich, de waarheid is erger dan je zou kunnen verzinnen.

"The Bush Crime Family Exposed"
Over alle beslissingen waarbij veel geld een vuile rol speelt/de.

"Bush Dyslexicon: Observations on a National Disorder"
Mark Crispin Miller.
Bush -die hier nieteens als dom wordt neergezet- is ongeletterd en onderontwikkeld. en hij trekt zich daarvan niets aan! dat hij het toch zo goed deed/doet ligt aan de tv; dat hij naadloos past in wat men op de tv gewend is te zien. ikzelf vind hem zózeer de gemiddelde amerikaan, dat het logisch is dat de niet-randstaters zich massaal in hem herkennen.

"How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000"
Alan M. Dershowitz.
Over het verlaten van het rechtvaardigheids principe en zwichten voor persoonlijke voorkeur door dit hoogste rechtscollege. en daarmee verlies in aanzien voor lange tijd.

"The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush"
"If, at the end of this short book, you find W. Bush's political résumé a little light, don't blame us. There's really not much there. We have been looking for six years."

"How Al Gore Beat George Bush and Lost the Presidency"
Wel, Eisjen heeft ons op de hoogte gehouden!

"Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American President"
It's too bad that most "mainstream" bookstores are afraid to carry it.........( Ah Merry Cah! Vrijheid?) Hatfield's portrait of GWB as a "fortunate son" of a rich and powerful American political family makes absorbing reading. The use of power to get him into the Texas Air National Guard to avoid going to Vietnam, the drinking, womanizing, drug use, shady business deals, right down to his aggresive political career are all revealed here.

"Is Our Children Learning?:The Case Against George W. Bush"
He was a poor student who somehow got into the finest schools. He was a National Guardsman who somehow missed a year of service. He was a failed businessman who somehow was made rich. He was a minority investor who somehow was made managing partner of the Texas Rangers. He was a defeated politician who somehow was made governor. You can hardly blame him for expecting to inherit the White House.

En om met Bush zelf te spreken:

The Slate Book of The Accidental Wit and Wisdom of our 43rd President:
"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."
"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."
"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."


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